Monday, December 2, 2013

The First Sunday of Advent 2013

This Podcast is of the Morning Service held on December 1 2013.
Here is the Podcast Link
It was a good day at the Cathedral. The day began with our regular and traditional service from the Book of Common Prayer. At the 10:30 service we held a Eucharist. For the first time in a while we did not have a Baptism on the first Sunday of the Month!
The service podcast posted here has the highlights of our worship, including Mr. Edgar Courtney's Children's talk about Operation Christmas Child.
Please Note: Our Podcasts are edited for time and quality.
When we edit the podcast we may have to remove readings /music etc due to background noise and such. Oftimes someone is standing in front of a mike while a hymn is being sung... that can be loud, off key, or downright hilarious!

Here are the Sermon Notes

  • I put the Wrong Month on the Bulletin.
    Some of you would believe me if I told you I did that on Purpose.
    Most of you know me better than that.

The point is, Now that I have mentioned my mistake, I wonder if that is the only thing that will be remembered about the meditation today. 

The Points of Advent:
Advent means to wait.
Other helpful images might be:
  • To catch your breath
  • To stop and Think
  • Not to rush choices
  • To focus on what matters.

Book reference:
Father Richard Rhor, a Franciscan  priest wrote a book called Falling Upwards.
I recommend it to you.
Rohr just says something we all know instinctively.
There are really two stages in life, and to put is simply we move from desiring what we think is Knowing what is really Important.

Advent reminds us that with God’s warning that we are wasting time if we are not focussed or searching for what really matters and that , there is Love, healing, Joy, Hope and peace waiting for us. We won't find it at WALMART!

We are reminded that Jesus, by becoming the propitiation for our Sins, sends a clear message .....
He refused all religious codes ,traditions, judgements and values. There is a lesson in that for us!

Jesus Refused to divide the world into the pure and the impure, much to the chagrin of almost everybody — then and now.

I remind you The only time Jesus casts judgement in the Bible is in Matthew 7 and Matthew  25 Vs. 7 Judging others causes your own judgement.  ch.25  Not living the life of compassion and selflessness seperates you from God!


Most Christians today still refuse to see that Jesus was NOT upset with the sinful person.
"Jesus is shockingly not upset with sinners, a shock so total that most Christians to this day refuse to accept it.
 He is only upset with people who do not think they are sinners:

The denial of who we are before God totally blocks the avenues of Grace .

Let us ask God as we travel through Advent to help us. So that we will have hope for the time of our lives that is yet to Come.
Please make an effort to search for Contact points with God During this Advent Season.
We will do all we can at this Church to help that Happen!


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

March 31,2013 Easter Day

Last evening our Holy Saturday observance continued.
Revd. John was in Benton doing home Communion and a Church Service .
Revd. Brian conducted an Easter Vigil at the Cathedral.
Today, Easter, was a Bright day, both in weather and in Spirit.
We  Gathered at St. Martins twice this morning : 8:30 a.m. for our traditional Book of Common Prayer Eucharist, then at 10:30 for our Easter Procession and Communion.
Bishop Torraville was with us, and preached at the service. The Church was full, and our hearts were lifted by the love that we shared there. All of our three  Choirs shared their gifts and anthems with us.
Leslie Hewlett also blessed the Church with her solo. Excerpts of the service are available for you in the podcast.
Happy Easter Friends!
The Podcast Link is Here for you

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Good Friday 2013

Good Friday 2013
 Good Friday's dawn revealed stormy weather. Not surprising for this time of year, but disappointing nonetheless, for this day has been anticipated, and the benefits longed for.
Good Friday is  a focal point of all or Lenten worship and personal devotion. It helps us look back over our own Lenten commitments and challenges, reconnect with our Heritage and traditions, and causes much reflection on Jesus our Lord.
 The weather forced cancellation of our service at Holy Cross Chapel in Benton. Our Saturday Easter Eucharist will go ahead there, as well as an Easter Vigil in the Chapel at St. Martin's.
At the Cathedral, we held a three hour service comprised of three parts.
1. A Children's Liturgy with our Youth and Jr. Choirs
2. The Stations of the Cross. This service has great participation by our Choir, and parishioners.
3. The Good Friday Liturgy from our Prayer Book.

The weather was very bad in Gander, which kept many people away. There was an average attendance of 60 persons at each service; as usual people would come and go throughout the progress of each liturgy.

The Address for Good Friday                                      The Revd. John Watton

  • The Cross has no meaning for you unless you draw your own Conclusions, and make your own Choices
  • The Cross is Who we are...It has to be understood and Explained Clearly. There is no Christianity without the Cross
  • Who Did Jesus Say he was?
  • Who Did the Early Church Say He Was? (Christology)
  •  Who do You Say He IS?
  • What will you do with Jesus?

Below are the links for three podcasts from Good Friday.
The whole of hour two and three are here, as well as the Address by itself.
May Easter morn find you blessed and healed!

The Stations of the Cross
Good Friday Address
The Second Hour

Friday, March 29, 2013

March 29 Maundy Thursday

March 29 Maundy Thursday
Our service Last night was, as Maundy Thursday always is...quiet, peaceful...disturbing ...beautiful. Those who had gathered (around 50 of us) left in silence to share our inward thoughts with the Lord.

Here is a fairly good summary of this special week that we call Holy.
 It is taken from our Book of Alternative Services:
 (The Billeted List is My doing)
Holy Week
  • The glory of Easter is the heart of the Christian gospel.
  • It is the centre of the Church’s faith and worship.
  • In the earliest days of the Church it was the only Christian festival: an annual celebration, in one act, of Christ’s life, death, resurrection, ascension, and his sending of the Holy Spirit.
  • The celebration lasted fifty days in one continuous festival of adoration, joy, and thanksgiving, ending on the Feast of Pentecost.
  • By the fourth century, the Church was adding to its celebration of Easter a week-long commemoration of the events which preceded our Lord’s resurrection, beginning on Sunday with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
  • Christians would recall the final meal Jesus had with his disciples and his institution of the sacrament of the Eucharist.
  • On the Friday they would commemorate Christ’s agony and death on the cross.
  • On Saturday night they would gather for the reading of the scripture, for prayers, for the baptism of their new converts, and then, as the day of the resurrection dawned, for the joyful celebration of Easter.
  • The week before Easter became known as Holy Week. The focal points of this week would be
  • The Sunday of the Passion with the Liturgy of the Palms,
  • Maundy Thursday, with foot washing and a thanksgiving for the institution of the Eucharist,
  • Good Friday, with a veneration of the cross,
  • Easter Eve, with the Great Vigil, paschal fire, initiation, and the Easter Eucharist.
The message was delivered by the Revd. Brian Candow


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Holy Wednesday

Holy Wednesday March 27th 2013
The Podcast Link is here for you

We are now on the Eve of Maundy Thursday.
Lent will soon be over and the Season of Easter will begin.
In the Parish, our choir has been working very hard preparing for Easter. They have faithfully supporting the Clergy by their attendance and participation at worship.  The number of hymns and pieces they sing and practice, is staggering....What a gift to us they are.
At the end of today's podcast you can hear them practice a new rendition of "Were you There".
Our Lenten services have not been well attended by the standards of years gone by...but there are times when I have been gladdened when we look at the bigger picture of all we do as a parish during Lent. There have been more than 1300 visits to our blog.
Our Clergy have been very, very busy as well.
The sermon tonight was a completion of a series of talks prepared by our Rector for Lent this year. Tonight was about making the most of the time we have to live, and a sharing of some ideas about how to enrich our Spiritual Lives.
1. Through Prayer. Especially prayer that trusts the silence of God.
2. Suffering and Loss...But only when it causes the heart to become humble, helpless and open.
3. Joy. An example...the birth of a child, or the "breaking through" of great Art, Drama or music....
4. When we allow and trust feelings to guide us.
There is one more...Behold, He shows us a more excellent way. 

The Podcast Link is here for you

The schedule for the Remainder of Holy Week


Maundy Thursday –
Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar – 7pm

Good Friday  starts at 12 Noon

1st hour – Children’s Good Friday Service

2nd Hour – Stations of the Cross

3rd Hour – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil – 7pm – 10pm
Easter Day
8:30 Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m Holy Eucharist.
Please Note There will NOT be an Evening Service on Easter Day (Next Sunday)

Services In Benton
3:30 p.m.
Good Friday Liturgy with Revd. John

7:00 Holy Saturday Holy Communion

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday in Holy Week

Holy Tuesday Podcast

Lent is Almost over, but you still have time to change!

Reverend John Writes:
I have a "favorite saying " around Lent. ...."Lent is almost over but you still have time to change..." Please do quote that one far and near!
The Franciscan  Friar Richard Rhor,  reminds us that perhaps the Church has taught that we need conversion prior to having any positive relationship with God. 

There is an inference that causes us to think that God would love us fully if and when we change.
Friends. ....God loves you so that you can change. "What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change is the experience of love. It is that inherent experience of love that becomes the engine of change.”
Lent is Almost over, but you still have time to change.

Today is Tuesday in Holy Week. There were 27 people in Church Tonight
 Last Night, Holy Monday, we gathered in fellowship for an ecumenical service at the Roman Catholic Church. About 100 or so. The service was  blessing. Of particular note was the complete absence of young people. Obviously, we must try to make all of our Lenten Gatherings more youth friendly!

Tonight was a nice Quiet service; Reverend Brian delivering the meditation.
The podcast, including the reading and final hymn is here for you.
Holy Tuesday Podcast

Monday, March 25, 2013

Palm Sunday April 25 2013

The Podcast is available Here
Welcome to Holy Week!
Yesterday was Palm Sunday.
Late Friday afternoon  Revd. John went to the Church to begin preparing the Palm Branches and Crosses for Sunday.  We usually do this on Friday, because in a way on Saturdays St. Martins  becomes "St. Maurice", as our Coptic friends hold worship in our Lady Chapel, and fellowship in our  facility.
It was a bit a change because for the past years, Revd. John has been joined by Karen in decorating the Church. This year, she was working.
Derek Dyke and Tracy Flynn helped cut the palms, and clean up the bits of Palm that were lying everywhere after the trimming. Good to have them!
Here is the Palm cross in the back of the Cathedral:

Revd. John continued later that evening ; returning late on Saturday to smell the remains of the Coptic Incense, and ensure that the Church was ready for our Commemoration of the Triumphal Entry.

  • The 8:30  Book of Common Prayer Service was well attended.
  • Our 10:30  Service was held by a very large congregation. At St. Martin's we focus Palm Sunday morning on a Children's oriented liturgy. Lots of music, simple prayers, readings and youth involvement. The service was a total blessing to us!Usually at our youth services we incorporate new ministries that young people have engaged, and announce that this is their first time serving reading etc.....
This Sunday was no exception, as we Welcomed Bradley Hunt to his ministry of leading the Prayers of the People.
  • Our 7:00 service was the traditional Book Of Alternative Services Liturgy of the Palms with Holy Communion.
Although not as well attended as the Morning Service, the evening Eucharist was a beautiful gathering.
The podcast for today includes the Palm Blessing, Passion Narrative, the prayers, and the sermon which was given by the Revd. George Spencer.

(please note Revd. George was not speaking directly into his mike, so the sound level of the address is a bit low.)

The Podcast is available Here
Here is the Schedule for Holy Week in 2013

Monday – Ecumenical Service Roman Catholic Church 7:00
Tuesday – Holy Week Service – 7:00pm
Wednesday – Holy Week Service – 7:00pm
Maundy Thursday – Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar – 7pm

Good Friday
1st hour – Children’s Good Friday Service
2nd Hour – Stations of the Cross
3rd Hour – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil – 7pm – 10pm
Easter Day
8:30 Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m Holy Eucharist.
Please Note there will NOT be a 7:30 Eucharist this Wednesday Morning.
There will NOT be an Evening Service on Easter Day (Next Sunday)

Services In Benton
3:30 p.m.
Good Friday Liturgy with Revd. John
7:00 Holy Saturday Holy Communion
Blessings !

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Last Wednesday Before Holy Week

We had set up and tested a Laptop to ensure the audio was recording properly. It was! Then, the Computer restarted itself to install updates and wiped out the file.
Sorry Folks... but here are the sermon notes for you. I know reading notes can be tedious..but here goes.
Talk Five: God In Us, Revealed in Us

Sermon Notes
A Reflection on the Mystery of God, and the Connection of The Incarnation. We begin with a well Known Passage:
Romans 8:38-39  New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Look at you own EXPIERIENCE  now and...ask yourself "Am I fully persuaded?"
As Christians we proclaim that:
1. God  created us , and
 2.He lived within us and with  from the very beginning ,prior to our developing language, beliefs religions or sacraments.

  A simple definition of mystery is : that it is that which cannot be understood. Personally I have come to that see mystery is a gift ,a gift of God that is deep, elusive, and worth seeking.

 I know that it is too rich and beautiful to be understood, and yet:
 at the deepest level, and  through the Grace of Christ we do understand  the beauty and truth.

Mystery is only Visible through REVELATION

Revelation is  a  transcendental experience   through which our present limitedness, shortcomings and mortality  is illuminated by God's revealing of Himself

It is possible  to sense Revelation because we are wired to long for something deeper.

If God created us, and our purpose is found in Him,surely he has a right to have a say in the purpose for each life.

Without revelation we live the Inauthentic Life therefore

 He referred to the authentic life as- being transformed by the reality and purpose of God.

The  starting point for any persons spiritual journey comes from our own experiences. It is there that we have the basic experience of God that we can recognise, make choices  and begin the journey to where we are now.

The question .."Do I really believe?"  is made harder because today's scientific and secular climate is very effective at suppressing encounters between wonder and mystery.
For us  postmodern people,  believing that there is a supernatural presence in the universe is pretty tough. Our universe is not inherently magical, as it was for people of old.

1.Science tells us that we are alone, so we have to create that which is "Awesome" ourselves.
This leaves us  Feeling alone, confused, and doubtful.

2.Science tells us that our world is beautiful and interesting, but everything can be explained.  Spiritually speaking the world is inert and empty. We have to create all meaning by ourselves in such a world, and most of us do not seem to succeed very well.
 But here we are in 2013. We are caught in the tension of the modern world, and knowing the revealed truth about Gods Love God calls us  to have faith and courage, before knowledge. The world says otherwise.

Let me leave you with some Positive Incarnational Thinking

More  and more  we are discovering that physics, astrophysics, anthropology, and biology, are confirming many of the deep intuitions of religion.
1.The universe really is vibrant and in motion.
2.We have greater understandings of history, instinct, evolution, nuclear fusion, DNA, healing, growth....

 It is  an undisputed fact that nature clearly continues to renew itself and evolve from within.
 Creation is an ongoing process! God is "in it" and God is "With Us"

Personally I am more sure than ever in the reality of Creation, and that God has created things that  in turn , because of ( The mystery of the Incarnation ) continue to create and recreate themselves from the inside out.

Let me share a couple Images of that thought:

Ecclesiastes 3:11 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

God has created, and keeps creating.
    Do not I fill heaven and earth? says the Lord.” (Jer. 23:24)

That is "Mysterious Incarnation"

Now on to Ephesians 1:23
 And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.  

In my heart and in my life experience , I have knowledge that all of this is revealed through Jesus.
  We are created with an inner drive and necessity that sends all of us out looking for our True Self, whether we know it or not.  We need an awakening and light to find our way, because the Journey does get very dark.

We are not walking alone. Our  Lord walks side by side with us.

Because God created us with an inner restlessness and a call that urges us onward into risky places   , Jesus came and shows us that  darkness is never the whole story, and that we are never abandoned.  

I Pray that the the movement of your faith will bring you to a place where you will KNOW   that our Hope is something substantial, real, and eternal. 

You are called to Love Deeply.

You are Called to accompany people through the mysteries of Life and death 

You are called to receive and share the gift of genuine life-changing awe before The Gifts of God, which is His mystery, time, beauty. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday March 18 Just after Passion Sunday

Yesterday was the Fifth Sunday in Lent.
Known as Passion Sunday

  • As always, the Sunday schedule at the Cathedral was diverse and full.
  • We begin every Sunday with the celebration of a traditional Eucharist from the book of Common Prayer.
  • The 10:30 service and our 7:00 evening services focused on family and on a sharing of the gifts of our young people.
  • Yesterday afternoon at 2:00 there was a celebration of Holy Communion at Golden Legion Manor.
The Morning Service:

Our Jr. and Youth Choirs shared their talents once again.
These choirs are under the direction of Mr. Shawn Wiseman,who lovingly and patiently works with the diversity of ages in the choirs to develop both their talents and spirituality.
They are fantastic singers!

Yesterday morning at the family service we were reminded that

Although Lent was almost over, we still have time to change!

The address was focused on being honest with ourselves, each other and with God.

To do so is to allow God's Spirit to work with us for our benefit. When we grow,God's purpose for us is realized.

The talk was occasioned by Revd. John telling a story of how he put a hole in the wall of the house he grew up in while his father was at work.

Trying to conceal the damage only worked for a while...and it wasn't until all was revealed that the situation could be resolved!

Let's be honest with ourselves

                      Let's be honest with Others

                                            Let's be honest with God

At the family service our young people do all of the readings and prayers,and opportunity is given for the beginnings of all kinds of ministry of the word.
 It is not unusual for people to applaud after a child proclaims the Word publicly for the first time.

Following the offertory,our Vestry was joined by other supporting leaders in the Chancel,to offer themselves for another year of devoted ministry. We thank God for each of them!

The Evening Service
Gander was in the midst of the Kiwanis Festival last week.
It was as always, a time of incredible hard work by the Kiwanis volunteers;but it accomplishes much on many different levels.
Some of the Churches in Gander offer their buildings as venues for the many acts,songs,speeches and technical tests. It brings people together ,it challenges us to excellence,and causes us to celebrate the creative spirit that God has planted within us.

Last evening we held our annual Post Kiwanis Event,where young people can come and share their talents with the Church. We were blessed greatly last evening!

St. Martin's has been blessed in the way people have responded to our mission statement :

To be a family of worshipping Christians; where the faith is taught –where people of all ages can grow in love and commitment to Christ in an atmosphere of caring, sharing, loving and respect for all persons; - where opportunity is provided for witness and service in the wider community.
Providing opportunities for ministry is a great challenge today. The creation of ministry opportunities in itself requires much time and energy; then,people have to be trained,supported and encouraged by the results of their efforts.
All this in the middle of very full schedules!
When people come forward,and we see their gifts in action...some great things happen!

At. St. Martin's we are very observant and respectful of artistic rights and the need for licensing!
Pictures and audio of the service cannot be published online due to copyright law, but what we have will be shared with the families on request.We do not post pictures without permission from individuals!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

25th Day of Lent

Today is Wednesday March 13
It is the 25th day of Lent.
Our Day at St. Martin's began around 7:00 a.m. I arrived at the Church to say a few prayers for the Day,the Kiwanis participants and for whatever the Holy Spirit would place in my Heart.
My lent has been "Shadowed"  by
  1. Getting the parish  focused on the  what happens now" after the annual meeting
  2. Getting ready to engage our new vestry in future planning.
  3. Using our Ministry resources and Staff to the benefit of our Father's Kingdom
  4. Keeping the momentum of the Confirmation Class (and other groups in the Church)
  5. Standing with those who are sick, wounded and hurting
  6. Wanting to Make Holy Week Count..when everyone seems to be heading in a different direction...Florida...Cuba...Punta Cana
  7. Trying to be a blessing to as many as possible.
  8. Yada Yada Yada.....
  9. Trying not to get too tired...

St. Martin's is one of the Communities hosting the Kiwanis. Pretty much all of this morning voices will declare Gods creativity,as young people accompanied by their over worked  and much loved teachers will share their gifts for the benefit of those gathered and the all important adjudicators.
What a wonderful time we have been given. God bless the Kiwanians for all they do!

Some Notes about what our young folks are up to:

Next Saturday Evening
we will be at the Church from 7:00 – 8:30 to receive your donations for the Confirmation Class Almsgiving event. 

Bake Sale on Sunday!  The sale of these items will take place following the morning service next Sunday!.

Remember, this event is not a sale in the traditional sense.
The Confirmation students are providing us with an opportunity to donate generously, simply for the sake of giving to God.
The items will NOT be priced, but we trust you know their worth, and will give to Primates World Relief through this special Event!

Tonight at 7:00 our Lenten Devotions continue.
Revd. John's talks resume with "Finding God in the Darkness"
See you this evening.

Have a Blessed  St. Agnello of Pisa Day!

Apologies: The evening recording was of a very poor quality,so there is no podcast for this servive

The Evening Service was quiet.
About forty of us gathered together for evening prayers,and to Listen to Revd. John's message: Finding God in the Dark.

Here are the Sermon notes

Finding our way through the Darkness

Prayer: Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord; and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night; for the love of thy only Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The talk I am sharing tonight is just a small portion of some of the writing I have done on this subject.
You may recall that I spoke of a sense of the "Giftedness of the
Darkness"  that is a part of my life. 
I must also repeat an earlier commentary:

I believe from my experiences that

when life's safe routines are broken or sudden change comes, people are led (or forced)  to a dark place where two things can happen:

1. Losing Sight of God and faith, or
2. The nurturing of a deeper, more real ,and Honest relationship with God.

·        "Darkness"  as a word and theme is found in both the Old Testament (Heb. hasak and New Testament (Gk.skotos).  Light symbolizes God, and darkness describes everything that is against God: the wicked ( Prov 2:13-14 ; 1 Thess 5:4-7 ), judgment ( Exod 10:21 ; Matt 25:30 ), and death ( Psalm 88:12 ).

·    Although darkness is blinding to humans, it is transparent to God            ( Psalm 139:12 ).

·  Darkness is not equal in power to God's light. God rules over the darkness and the powers of evil. God knows the darkness. He knows where it is ( Job 34:22 ) and what it contains

But let's be honest:
Even though we know  academically, that God is the ruler over all things, our human experience of Darkness speaks of :
  • What we know,
  • What we face
  • Where we have been 
  • Where we are now.
  • Where we will we be in the future
    In my pastoral work I have concern for people who deny the reality of doubt and anxiety .
    Even more difficult to deal with are concept of believers who feel it is sinful and wrong to carry such things or express doubt.

Thomas Did. Peter did. 
Jesus Cried "My God My God Why have you forsaken me?"
To know full mystery of life includes the reality that we must endure its other half..the darkness.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton, (29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936) English writer well known... Said ``Faith is the art of Surviving one's Moods.``
I have heard many people say:
"There have been times when I had no desire for Prayer."
"There have been times when I had no sense of God , and no desire to do anything about it."

"The stress of life can dry you up pretty quickly ."

How many times have we heard
``There is always someone who has it worse``..
 I have always described that saying as a poor consolation for pain. 
Better to be honest with God about it,and deal with it! 
Some Advice...
 A long time ago a man came home and saw a huge snake on his front lawn.
He grabbed an axe and attacked it. It hissed and spat and curled around, until finally it appeared to be dead. In the morning the man went out to examine the little bits that were all over the yard, and discovered that he had chopped up his garden hose.

It`s not a good idea to fight snakes if you see them in the night. They might turn out to be something else that is quite harmless or even useful. 
When it is dark and we are tired, it is easy to make bad decisions..

Christians can live, not in a mire of  doubt, but with a  real hope that burns within .
This hope comes because of experiences of the Sacred that came through

  • the written Ancient Word, the
  • Vehicle of liturgy and tradition
  • and the Living words of people who also have been touched by the power of the Love of Jesus while in the dark.
    Let me list a summary of three things which will help us get through the dark night:
1. Remain steadfast, and don`t change your course in the dark.

2. When your mood is dark and leads you to despair, sadness, or loss, push against it.

3. Trust that this time will not last, and that morning will come.

Help us  kindle our fire this night In the presence of the holy angels of heaven

Without malice, without jealousy, without envy,
But the Holy Son of God to shield us.
God, kindle Thou in our hearts within
A flame of love  and hope that lights not just my path alone, but that of neighbour foe, friend,and to my kindred all.
1. Faith is knowing and unknowing
2  It is Strong and fragile
3 It is not objective but is provides an unshakable Hope.
4. It is the substance of things hoped for, based on the evidence of that which is unseen.



Monday, March 11, 2013

The 23rd Day of Lent 2013

Today is Monday March 11. It is the 23rd Day of Lent

The worship for the 4th Sunday in Lent really began at the Cathedral on Friday afternoon.
That's because at 6:00 on Friday we gathered to start a Confirmation retreat. we have 19 candidates for Confirmation this year. We gathered for an evening meal with the Candidates,retreat leaders,Confirmation Buddies,and Parents. Following an evening session of music,prayer and a few laughs,the Candidates enjoyed several hours of activity interspersed with Spiritual Direction.

Yesterday worship began at 8:30 a.m with our traditional Eucharist, followed by a 10:30 morning Eucharist. 
The Time Change effect certainly was visible!...Especially for those of us who were still trying to make up for lost sleep after the retreat. 
Revd. Brian,our parish associate preached a fine sermon on the Prodigal Son.
Unfortunately we did not get the service recorded, so there is no podcast for this week.
Anyone wanting a sermon outline, please send us a comment and we will respond to you.
There was a 4:00 Eucharist at Lakeside home.
Lately fewer of the Home residents are getting out for service,as more and more,our elders are slowing down. Our prayers for them,and our ministry to them continues.

Our ministry to seniors in this parish seems to be evolving quickly these days!

 Also at 7:00,we conducted a service of Prayer and Praise at Holy Cross chapel in Benton. It was a great evening that was attended by members of St. Martin's Cathedral Choir and some of the parish musicians.

Lent starts today for our Coptic friends at St. Maurice Church. This group of Egyptian Christians worship regularly at St. Martin's. They use our building and resources as their spiritual home. They have been with us for years,and certainly add a beautiful dimension to the fabric of our parish.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The 19th Day Of Lent

Wednesday March 6th
Today,as is our Lenten custom people gathered in the Lady Chapel for Communion at 7:30 a.m.
 Following that there was morning coffee ,then out into the world again.
 All around the busyness continues.
Some are being blessed,some are wounded and weary.
The old Celtic Prayer comes to mind:
May the Christ who walks on wounded feet
walk with you on the road.
May the Christ who serves with wounded hands
stretch out your hands to serve.
May the Christ who loves with a wounded heart
open your hearts to love.
May you see the face of Christ in everyone you meet,
and may everyone you meet
see the face of Christ in you.
May it be so with us.....We pray to our Lord that we who are of His family, may be instruments of blessing to one another.
At the 7:00 p.m Service
Our service tonight was well attended.

The   Anglican Church Women led the service,and Mrs. Karen Torraville,Honorary  Diocesan A.C.W. President gave the message.
It will bless you!
The Podcast link is below: